Contacts at our member universities
We are a network of 36 universities and universities of applied sciences in Bavaria. Each university sends a vhb representative to the members’ assembly. vhb representatives are the key persons at their university for all affairs connected with vhb.
Some of our member universities have designated an additional contact who will help course providers in particular with issues related to the organisation of examinations.

OTH – Technical University of Applied Sciences Amberg-Weiden
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Franz Seitz
Instructional Designer: Thomas Stegmaier

Ansbach University of Applied Sciences
vhb representative: Prof. M.A. Renate Hermann
Additional contact: Dipl.-Wirt.-Inf. (FH) Alexander Erb
Instructional Designer: Madeleine Heuer

Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Peter Rötzel
Additional contact: Dipl.-Verw. (FH) Sabine Hock
Instructional Designer: Marcel Schmitt

Augsburg University of Applied Sciences
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. phil. habil. László Kovács M.A.
Additional contact: Prof. Dr. Michael Kipp
Instructional Designer: Alina Ruppert

University Augsburg
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Andreas Rathgeber
Additional contact: Dr. Ulrich Fahrner
Instructional Designer: Dr. Katrin Bauer

Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Andreas Henrich
Instructional Designer: Philipp Schubert

University of Bayreuth
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Martin Huber
Additional contact: Fabian Beranovsky
Instructional Designer: Dr. Anja Hager, Fabian Merks, Sandy Wilke

Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Art
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Nicole Hegel
Instructional Designer: Philipp Schubert

Deggendorf Institute of Technology
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Christina Bauer
Additional contact: Simone Fuchs
Instructional Designer: Simone Jung

Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
vhb representative: PD Dr. Michael Köck
Instructional Designer: Stephanie Piehlmeier

Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Andrea Bréard
Additional contact: Claudia Schmidt
Instructional Designer: Claudia Schmidt, Markus Tischner

Hof University of Applied Sciences
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Dietmar Wolff
Instructional Designer: Dr. Anja Hager, Fabian Merks, Sandy Wilke

Kempten University of Applied Sciences
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Sandra Niedermeier
Instructional Designer: Miriam Liebhart

Landshut University of Applied Sciences
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Silvia Dollinger
Additional contact: Almut Rieke
Instructional Designer: Angelika Pleyer

Munich University of Applied Sciences
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Klaus Kreulich
Additional contact: Gisela Prey
Instructional Designer: Madeleine Heuer

Munich University of Television and Film
vhb representative: Prof. Jürgen Schopper
Instructional Designer: Julia Heuel

Munich School of Philosophy
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Barbara Schellhammer
Instructional Designer: Elvira Cyranka, Amelie Zauner

Katholische Stiftungshochschule München - University of Applied Sciences
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Susanna Endres
Instructional Designer: Stephanie Piehlmeier

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Oliver Jahraus
Additional contact: Armin Rubner, Simone Cramer
Instructional Designer: Ashley Haberman-Lawson, Lars Jansen

Technical University of Munich
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Müller
Additional contact: Dr. Andreas Fleischmann
Instructional Designer: Elvira Cyranka, Amelie Zauner

Bundeswehr University Munich
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. phil. Karl-Heinz Renner
Instructional Designer: Dr. Katrin Bauer

Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Julia Kormann
Instructional Designer: Miriam Liebhart

Nuremberg Academy of Fine Arts
vhb representative: Prof. Holger Felten
Additional contact: Mike Schwer
Instructional Designer: Julia Heuel

Evangelische Hochschule Nürnberg (EVHN) - University of Applied Sciences
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Uwe Kaspers
Additional contact: Sebastian Feder
Instructional Designer: Stephanie Piehlmeier

Nuremberg University of Music
vhb representative: Prof. Rainer Kotzian
Additional contact: Holde Hell
Instructional Designer: Julia Heuel

Nuremberg Tech - Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Christina Zitzmann
Instructional Designer: Ann Marie Wester

University of Passau
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Bettina Noltenius
Instructional Designer: Jan Schlatter

Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg
vhb representative: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Birgit Rösel
Instructional Designer: Manuel Glondys

University of Regensburg
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Korber
Additional contact: Dr. Katrin Hirschmann
Instructional Designer: Florian Greiner

Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Sabine Ittlinger
Additional contact: Petra Sagert, deputy: Melanie Link
Instructional Designer: Thomas Stegmaier

Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Thomas Hannus
Instructional Designer: Angelika Pleyer

University of Music Würzburg
vhb representative: Prof. Dr. Andreas C. Lehmann
Instructional Designer: Julia Heuel